Single Membership ($30.00 per year)
Includes voting privileges for the member.
Family Membership ($40.00 per year)
Includes voting privileges for 2 individuals
in the household.
Junior Membership (No cost)
For youth younger than age 18.
No voting privileges.
Honorary Membership (No cost)
No voting privileges.
New Member Application Process
Step One: Download, fully complete, and sign the Membership Application and Code of Ethics Statement
(click the links below to access the forms).
Membership Application Form (in PDF)
Membership Application Form (in Microsoft Word)
Step Two: Mail those forms to:
Elizabeth Driscoll
345 Lavista Drive
Cleveland, Georgia 30528
(727) 249-9004
Step Three: Forward the Sponsor Form for Membership (click the link below to download the form) to the active STCTB
member who will be your membership sponsor, and ask them to return the completed form to Elizabeth Driscoll.
Step Four: Pay your dues using one of several convenient options. To pay via check/money order
or Venmo/Zelle contact the club treasurer ( or your sponsor.
To pay using PayPal, select your membership category on the button at the bottom of
this page, then click Buy Now. (Dues payment amounts shown when using PayPal include
a small additional amount to cover the fees assessed to STCTB by PayPal.)
Step Five: You will be contacted by a STCTB director officer, or designated current member,
to discuss your interest in membership.
Step Six: Your application for membership will be considered for approval at the
next STCTB Board of Directors meeting.
Step Seven: Your prospective membership will be presented to the STCTB members.
Step Eight: You will receive written notice when your membership is approved.
The STCTB depends on volunteers to assist with club committees and activities.
Click the link below for information about club committees and activities
to identify where you might like to assist.
We also suggest that you review the STCTB Constitution and Bylaws to gain more information about what we do.
The link below will take you to that document.
How to Join the STCTB
Copyright © Scottish Terrier Club of Tampa Bay. All rights reserved.