STCTB members and exhibitors PLEASE read carefully if you are attending the STCTB specialty December 11, 2020 in Orlando. YOU MUST comply to these rules and fill out the forms. PLEASE reach out to Sheila-Faith Barry our show chairman with questions. PLEASE read carefully pages 6-10 on the link below. 

Here is a link to the website with the forms that can be printed and ready when you arrive.:


The following is an overview of the protocols that must be followed at all AKC Events taking place

at the OrangeCounty Convention Center (“OCCC”) December 6-14, 2020.

Please refer to the AKC web site and Event landing page at
for the most current rules and policies.

All information is subject to change at the discretion of the American Kennel Club, Inc.

• There will be no public access to the Events. Only Approved Attendees may enter the venue. Approved
attendees include Judges, Exhibitors, Event staff, media production staff, handlers, handlers’ assistants,
owners of entered dogs, Delegates, vendors and participants in AKC Judges Institutes.

• As an Approved Attendee, you must fill out and bring a completed Waiver in order to enter the venue on
the first day entering the facility. Minors must have their own signature as well as signature of a parent
or legal guardian on the Waiver.

• Approved Attendees must also fill out and bring a completed Your Covid-19 Self-Declaration form on the
first day entering the venue in order to gain access to the Events. Minors must have their own signature
as well as signature of a parent or legal guardian on the Your Covid-19 Self-Declaration form.

• Approved Attendees must also have their temperature checked by Event staff each day before entering
the venue. You will receive a sticker each day to prove that your temperature has been checked at the
official entrances.

• On the first day you enter the venue, you will receive a wristband after submitting your Waiver, Your
Covid-19 Self-Declaration form and temperature check. You must keep your wristband on at all times
for the duration of your stay. If your wristband is lost or broken, you must re-submit all forms and have
your temperature checked again.

• If you are not an Approved Attendee, do not attempt to visit the OCCC in person. Instead, please
tune in to AKCtv and for coverage of the Events. If you are unsure about your status, email

• Everyone will be required to wear a mask at all times on Event grounds, inside and outdoors. Refer to
the AKC Face Mask Policy at the OCCC for specific requirements.

• Everyone will be required to follow social distancing guidelines. This means maintaining six feet of distance
from others, not congregating at ringside, following wayfinding signs and remaining within designated

• Exhibiting will be “Show and Go” where possible. There is to be no spectating of competition classes
that you are not entered in. There will be no ringside seating permitted.

Conformation Exhibitors: If you are not in the next upcoming classes you should not remain
ringside. Please return to your grooming set-up or leave the building once your classes have

Agility, Obedience and Rally Exhibitors: Unless you are required to remain near the rings for
judging, please return to your crating area if you must remain in the building.

Fast CAT participants: Please leave the venue when you have finished competing for the day

Return to your crating area between runs if you are entered in both Saturday events.

• Expect “limited contact enhancements” for social distancing purposes. This includes cashless transactions,
pre-paid catalogues and discontinued social gatherings.

• Please do not smoke within 100 feet of the facility.

• AKC is putting extra effort into cleaning and sanitation for additional safety measures. Please bring
cleaning supplies for your own grooming/crating area. Remember to do your part by cleaning up after
your dogs at all times.

These protocols have been put in place to protect the health and safety of everyone at the Event and to ensure
our ability to host you and your incredible dogs. 

Thank you!

Thursday, December 10th

Supported Entry* and Sweepstakes  (*You must enter a regular class to be able to enter sweepstakes)

Breed Judge: Bill deVilleneave

Puppy & Veteran Sweeps Judge: Sharon Ero

Superintendent : MBF

Friday, December 11th

Scottish Terrier Club of Tampa Bay Specialty Show

Planned Breed Judge: Kathi Brown (Note!  Unable to attend due to family medical emergency)

​New ​Breed Judge: Darle Heck 

New Junior Showmanship: Lydia Armstrong Frey

The Great Scottsby...

...It's a Grand Scotties Affair

​​2020 Specialty Show and Sweepstakes

Important COVID-19 Protocol Information:

!! If you plan to attend please read the information below !!