The Scottish Terrier Club of Tampa Bay (STCTB) was formed as a regional chapter of the Scottish Terrier Club of American (STCA) in 1987.  Although the founding members primarily resided in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, the club represents and serves Scottish Terrier owners and fans throughout the state of Florida.  

STCTB is the only Scottish Terrier breed club in Florida. 

STCTB is proud to have a very active membership, currently numbering approximately 100 individuals.  Members live all over the state!

Club events and activities are held in different areas of the state, and online meetings and educational programs are conducted quarterly to engage the members.  The club's annual Scottish Terrier Specialty Show and Sweepstakes is presented in December of each year, usually in Orlando. 

     We had a great specialty show weekend in Orlando December 12 - 13, 2024! 

Thank you to everyone who participated as an exhibitor, a member

of a planning committee, a sponsor, a volunteer, or a spectator!

Click here for information and a list of the winners at the STCTB Specialty.

Happy New Year!

We're looking forward to an exciting 2025!

About Us...

Welcome to Scottish Terrier Club of Tampa Bay

Regional Chapter of the Scottish Terrier Club of American since 1987.

Located in Florida, USA.

Officers (2024 - 2025)

President-  Pam Murray

Vice President-  Patty Spence

Treasurer-  Bobbie Armstrong

Recording/Corresponding Secretary-  Marianne Kreiling

Directors (2024 - 2025)

Linda Andresen

Anne Bower

Rick Hunter

Donna Johnson

Colleen Rafatti

Olivia Sayer

Committee Chairs (2024- 2025)

Annual Awards- Laurie Slater

Bagpiper Correspondent/

Regional Club Delegate- Patty Spence

Event Coordinator- Pam Murray

Membership- Elizabeth Driscoll

Newsletter Editor- Open

Service Committee- Colleen Rafatti

Show Committee-  Sheila-Faith Barry

Social Media- Donna Johnson

Ways and Means- Open

Webmaster-  Colleen Rafatti

Join Us at the Valentine Spring Event!

February 22, 2024 

Dade Battlefield Historic Park (Bushnell, FL)

The Fall Fun Day was cancelled due to the triple hurricane season-

but mark you calendars and plan to attend our Valentine Spring Event!

Our special attraction will be an amazing Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test skills presentation by our Service Committee. Members will be encouraged to practice with their dogs and receive feedback.  For those who are ready, actual CGC tests will also be offered!  (Instead of a fee for testing, we request that you bring a new or gently used dog item or dog treats that will be donated to a shelter).  A discussion of the process for therapy dog certification will also be provided.

(For more information contact Colleen at

Wear, bring or display your Scottie pins!

There will be fun activities for you and your Scotties... and a great pot luck lunch.

More details will be provided soon... but, for now, SAVE THE DATE!!

Beautiful original artwork used with permission of Mata Tathova

Scottie Connections Thrive in 2025

With the new year just around the corner, the board has adopted a goal/theme:  Scottie Connections Thrive in 2025.

We will be working diligently to foster better communication, collaboration and connection in the year ahead. 

As part of that effort, we would love to hear from you- our members. 

What can the STCTB do for you? 

What do you wish the club would do better?

What events would you like to see more of? 

What ideas do you have?

Feel free to reach out to president Pam Murray ( or any board member with suggestions and ideas!